all postcodes in GU15 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU15 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU15 4AA 32 0 51.348196 -0.721834
GU15 4AB 41 0 51.347438 -0.721582
GU15 4AD 32 0 51.347226 -0.721918
GU15 4AE 1 1 51.349723 -0.721691
GU15 4AF 10 1 51.350428 -0.721255
GU15 4AG 46 0 51.351802 -0.719407
GU15 4AH 40 0 51.350934 -0.71811
GU15 4AJ 32 1 51.350401 -0.717088
GU15 4AL 42 1 51.352456 -0.716758
GU15 4AN 40 0 51.351311 -0.716434
GU15 4AP 22 0 51.352982 -0.720437
GU15 4AQ 37 0 51.350302 -0.71955
GU15 4AR 40 0 51.353288 -0.720414
GU15 4AS 10 0 51.344112 -0.74248
GU15 4AT 14 0 51.343515 -0.742151
GU15 4AU 4 0 51.351717 -0.715776
GU15 4AW 36 0 51.352802 -0.717929
GU15 4AY 42 0 51.350799 -0.723858
GU15 4AZ 34 0 51.351187 -0.726472
GU15 4BA 4 0 51.351846 -0.72594